
By Rutger Oldenhuis

Once upon a time, back when I was just a young lad, there was a song my brothers and I occasionally hear on the radio – a song that seemed to cast a spell over us. We didn’t know what it was about, nor could we name the band, but something about it was almost magical. And this was before we’d even seen the music video! That song became iconic, a symbol of our youth, resonating with us deeply despite remaining a mystery for years.

Much later, one of my brothers became determined to solve that mystery. He spent an entire day combing through a record store to find that song. This was in the pre-internet days – no Google, no Spotify, no SoundHound to lean on. Just pure determination. And after hours of searching, he finally succeeded! The mysterious song had a name: Weekend, by a Dutch band called Earth & Fire (not to be confused with Earth, Wind & Fire). It felt like solving a puzzle, a small triumph over the unknown.

I often think back on this story – my brother, investing a whole day to find that single piece of music. How did he even go about it? Where did he begin? Did he sing a few bars to the store clerks, hoping they’d recognize it? I’ll have to ask him next time I see him.

Reflecting on that search, it struck me how similar it is to the challenges companies face in navigating European market access. Trying to bring a product to Europe is a lot like that record-store search – a maze of regulations, each one potentially applicable to your product. Where do you start? Which regulations matter? How do you make sense of them?

I’ve written extensively about the upcoming GPSR (General Product Safety Regulation), and for good reason. This blog will likely be published just as the GPSR starts applying on December 13, 2024. But Brussels hasn’t been resting; there’s a wave of new ESG and product regulations approaching. Take a look at just some of the regulatory wave on the horizon:

  • Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
  • Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
  • Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation
  • Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation
  • Deforestation Regulation
  • Green Claims Directive
  • Waste Framework Directive
  • Directive on Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition
  • Machinery Regulation
  • Revision of Textile Labelling Regulation

And that’s just scratching the surface. Navigating these requirements is a monumental task for legal and compliance teams in large multinational corporations, and for small- and medium-sized enterprises, the challenge is even greater. Too often, this task is viewed as a burdensome expense. After all, who really wants to spend an entire day in a record store just to track down one song?

Yet, I can’t emphasize this enough: if selling products is at the core of your business, then product compliance and safety should be at the heart of your business processes. Making sense of these regulations is not just a legal obligation; it’s an investment. After all, how heroic can your sales team really be if the product they champion turns out to be unsafe and must be pulled from the market? Compliance isn’t just a backstage function – it’s the foundation that keeps your product, and your reputation, safe and strong.

There’s one line in Weekend where I hear, “I wanna have the pope a night apart”. Some sources, though, say it’s actually, “I wanna have the whole and not a part”. Not all mysteries can be solved, no matter how much time we spend in a record store.



Blog: Fatbikes

By Rutger Oldenhuis

I’m writing this blog while sitting on a train to Amsterdam. Once I arrive and walk to my destination, I’ll need to watch out for a fairly recent phenomenon: fatbikes. I live in a quiet little village, so I thought it wasn’t that big of a deal. But whenever I come to Amsterdam, I suddenly understand the alarming Dutch news headlines much better. These things can be dangerous! Dozens of them zoom past, often ridden by very young people going at high speeds. It’s no wonder they’ve already caused so many accidents. The issue has caught the attention of politicians as well, and as is often the case, you’re immediately bombarded with half-baked solutions. The most popular ones? A minimum age requirement and mandatory helmets.

But what’s really going on here? Anyone with a bit of e-bike knowledge can easily spot the two main issues. Firstly, these bikes often significantly exceed speeds of 25 km/h. Secondly, they are often equipped with a throttle feature, allowing for little to no pedaling effort to maintain motion. Hence, these bikes aren’t allowed on Dutch roads without proper type approval. Plus, if they had the proper approval, the same rules would already apply: a minimum age and mandatory helmets.

Problem solved, right? But for politicians, simple solutions often seem too difficult. Instead of addressing the issue at its core, they’d rather spend time and money creating more rules that will just end up being ignored – because what exactly is the definition of a fatbike, anyway? Or are they planning to lump all e-bikes together and impose a blanket age limit and helmet rule? That’s bound to stir things up in a country as bike-crazy as the Netherlands.

In recent months, Dutch authorities have seized thousands of fatbikes because they didn’t comply with the regulations. This is a great example of how it can be done, as the problem needs to be tackled at its source through effective enforcement.

What else can been done? Quite a lot, if enforcers only had the necessary resources. When fatbikes are sold online, their specifications can sometimes tell you right away if they’re legal or not. Enforcers have the power to conduct internet “sweeps” to track down violators. Moreover, manufacturers outside the EU are not allowed to sell in the EU without having a “Responsible Person” in the EU who can be held accountable for product safety. A Responsible Person could, for example, be the fatbike’s importer. It’s important to note that if dealers (including webshops) directly import fatbikes into the EU, they will each be considered an importer. If there is no importer in the EU (e.g., in case of direct sales to consumers), the manufacturer must appoint an Authorised Representative within the EU.

The details of this Responsible Person must be included on the fatbike or its packaging. And as of 13 December 2024 (when the General Product Safety Regulation enters into force), the online offer must indicate who the Responsible Person is. If there’s no Responsible Person in the EU, selling the product in the EU will automatically be illegal, making it much easier to take action. If there is a Responsible Person, authorities can proactively request them to provide the technical documentation for the fatbike in question. If they cannot provide it, or if the documentation reveals that the bike does not comply with regulations, it will have to be withdrawn or recalled from the market.

It seems that politicians (and their advisors) are unaware of the existing legal framework that allows for the removal of illegal fatbikes from the market. I urge them to invest in resources for enforcement, rather than coming up with these endless half-solutions. It may not solve the problem entirely, but it will be far more effective. What good are (new) rules if there aren’t enough resources to enforce them?

My train just pulled into Amsterdam. Now, where’s my helmet…


By Rutger Oldenhuis

As I wrote in one of my earlier blogs, the upcoming General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) is food for many more blogs to come. It contains many provisions that go far beyond the current EU General Product Safety Directive (GPSD). In this blog, I would like to draw attention to a new obligation that is introduced in the GPSR: accident reporting. Consumers normally already have a channel to report potentially unsafe products to their national market surveillance authority. However, pursuant to the GPSR, manufacturers must promptly report product-related accidents via the Safety Business Gateway to the competent authorities in the Member State where the accident occurred. The notification should include the product’s type, identification number, and accident details. Additionally, manufacturers must provide any other relevant information upon request.

A legitimate question is: must all accidents, even those without any personal injuries, be reported? The text of the GPSR is somewhat vague but seems to suggest that the reporting obligation pertains only to incidents resulting in death or serious adverse effects on health and safety, whether permanent or temporary, including injuries, bodily harm, illnesses, and chronic health effects. The expected guidance from the Commission may clarify whether indeed this is the correct interpretation.

Manufacturers (or, if not based in the EU, the appropriate responsible economic operator in the EU) must provide accessible communication channels, such as a telephone number, electronic address, or a dedicated section of their website, to enable consumers to submit complaints and report any accidents or safety issues with a product. Manufacturers are then, in fact, expected to blow the whistle if reports of accidents indicate a reason to do so.

Parallel to the reporting obligation of manufacturers, other economic operators also have an obligation to follow up on accident reports. Importers and distributors must promptly inform the manufacturer if they become aware of an accident caused by a product they have placed on the market. The manufacturer must then notify the relevant authorities or instruct the importer or distributor to do so. If the manufacturer is not established in the EU, the appropriate responsible economic operator based in the EU must notify the relevant authorities.

Additionally, providers of online platforms must cooperate in reporting accidents by promptly notifying the Safety Business Gateway of any incident reported to them that results in a serious risk or actual harm to consumer health or safety caused by a product on their marketplace. They must also inform the manufacturer of such accidents.

And if that isn’t all, pursuant to the EU Whistleblower Directive, employees are encouraged to notify the relevant authorities of breaches of EU law, among others in the field of product safety and compliance. The Whistleblower Directive applies to legal entities in the private sector with 50 or more workers.

The implications of this should not be underestimated. Although reports of accidents may not automatically lead to an obligation to carry out corrective actions (like a recall), receiving multiple reports of accidents involving the same product will obviously trigger authorities to investigate the issue. And now, I’m trying to think of a witty way to end this blog, but nothing comes to mind. So, let me end with a loud fuuuuuut!!!

Helmet hair

By Rutger Oldenhuis LLM

Swedish Hövding revolutionized cyclist safety with an innovative airbag system. Claimed to offer up to 8 times better protection than traditional helmets, Hövding sold over 300,000 units over a span of 12 years. The avoidance of “helmet hair” is an important and notable advantage of using an airbag instead of a traditional helmet. No wonder Hövding’s main market is Sweden, where urban cyclists are particularly mindful of their appearance.

However, a shocking turn of events occurred in December 2023 when Hövding’s board filed for bankruptcy, resulting in the loss of jobs for 42 employees and 8 consultants. This decision stemmed from the Swedish Consumer Agency’s actions: a temporary sales freeze on November 1, 2023, followed by a permanent sales freeze and product recall on December 15, 2023. The Swedish Consumer Agency (SCA) alleged that the airbag failed to activate in 27 reported incidents, leading to head injuries.

One factor that may have influenced the SCA’s decision was the late 2022 release of a secret recording by Swedish media from within Hövding. This recording fueled allegations that the company was aware of design flaws in the airbag but continued to sell it nonetheless.

Despite the potentially incriminating recording, Hövding successfully contested SCA’s conclusions before the Administrative Court. According to the Court’s ruling, Hövding argued that the 27 cases did not justify claims that the airbag provided inadequate protection. They explained that their product’s algorithm aligned with its intended design and conducted risk assessments in line with European Commission guidelines. These assessments indicated a low risk of head injury due to inadequate protection. Collectively, these reported cases did not warrant an immediate recall of all airbags from the Swedish market.

The Court recognized that the airbag must be designed to provide cyclists with adequate protection, but it also observed disagreements between Hövding and the SCA on the extent, likelihood, and severity of risks associated with using the product, as well as its intended protective capabilities. Considering this ongoing dispute and recognizing the substantial impact of a prohibition on Hövding’s business and legal challenges, the Court determined that the appealed decision would not take effect until the Court made a final ruling. Interestingly, the secret recording didn’t appear to impact the Court’s decision. Hövding’s request for suspension of the permanent sales freeze and recall was approved, offering a glimmer of hope. However, the damage inflicted by SCA’s actions proved insurmountable, leading to the company’s closure.

This case underscores the potential repercussions of regulatory actions on businesses as well as the importance of comprehensive risk assessment in case of a suspected unsafe product. A well-prepared risk assessment can significantly assist a business in demonstrating that a recall would not be proportionate.

While supervisory authorities play a crucial role in safeguarding society from harmful products, similar to businesses, they are also required to adhere to specific rules and guidelines. This court case illustrates that a supervisory authority cannot simply disregard this fact, especially without providing further justification or conducting their own risk assessment. All too often, supervisory authorities ignore their responsibilities to carry out a risk assessment as a basis for deciding what corrective action is necessary and proportionate. It is reassuring to witness a court recognizing this and reminding the authority of their responsibilities.

This case also emphasizes the value of taking legal action when disagreeing with regulatory decisions. Unfortunately, in Hövding’s case, this action came too late, affecting not only the company but also the fashionable cyclists of Sweden, who now face the return of “helmet hair”.

Dutch authority (ACM) adopts RecallDesk’s recommendations to revise legal warranty information on their website

Deventer, 19 December 2023

A recent consumer experience highlighted a concerning issue with a pair of expensive jeans that began to stretch and wrinkle just 1.5 years after purchase. This issue went beyond ordinary wear and tear, prompting the consumer to invoke their legal guarantee from the seller. However, their claim was initially rejected, with the seller citing ConsuWijzer, a website operated by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM). The rejection was grounded in the assertion that the Netherlands lacked a specific warranty period, as it was contingent upon the product’s expected lifespan. Notably, the jeans in question were sold with a 1-year warranty.

For consumers seeking clarity in this matter, the Dutch Consumers’ Association’s website added to the confusion by stating that the legal warranty period was 6 months before April 27, 2022, and 12 months thereafter. In reality, both ACM and the Dutch Consumers’ Association misinterpreted Dutch law.

European legislation unequivocally mandates a minimum legal guarantee period of 2 years, with member states required to incorporate this provision into their national laws. While the Netherlands did not explicitly mention the two-year period in its legislation, it did not intend to offer warranties of less than 2 years, as that would contravene EU regulations. Despite the seeming complexity of the legislative language, the intent, as elucidated in explanatory notes to the Act, was to afford consumers a minimum warranty period of 2 years, particularly for products expected to function without issues for more than 2 years. Furthermore, the EU Directive grants member states the authority to establish warranty periods exceeding 2 years.

Unfortunately, the nuances of Dutch law are not always easily grasped. ACM erroneously linked the warranty period to a product’s expected lifespan, which is a flawed perspective. Not all products are designed for long-term use; for instance, consider a pack of balloons, a simple example where each balloon can be used only once. In such cases, a warranty claim would not be applicable. Nevertheless, if a consumer were to use one of these balloons 23 months after purchase and found it to be defective, they would still be entitled to legal warranty coverage, as the 2-year period had not lapsed.

The Dutch Consumers’ Association further complicated matters by conflating the timeframes for reversing the burden of proof (previously 6 months, currently 12 months) with the statutory warranty period.

Both ACM and the Dutch Consumers’ Association may have inadvertently caused consumers to miss out on valid warranty claims.

RecallDesk recently alerted ACM to this misunderstanding, leading to a prompt revision of their website’s content. The updated information now accurately conveys that consumers in the Netherlands are entitled to a minimum of 2 years of legal warranty. We hope that other organizations, including the Dutch Consumers’ Association, will swiftly follow suit, providing precise guidance to consumers.

Smartphones are the new cigarettes

By Rutger Oldenhuis LLM – Published in Bike Europe Magazine 6-2023

Interesting news from Recall Land. The safety of Apple’s iPhone 12 has come under scrutiny, as per findings from French regulatory authorities. Their testing revealed that this particular smartphone model did not comply with the legal limits set for radiation emissions. This news is notable not only for the reported safety issue, but perhaps even more so for the safety issues that went unreported. The question is how long smartphone makers and app builders can get away with those safety risks. With the impending EU General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR), smartphone manufacturers and app developers may face a rise in product safety and liability claims. That is, unless they make significant alterations to the design and functionality of their products. Or should they?

While offering numerous benefits and conveniences, smartphones have also introduced various concerns, especially when it comes to their influence on our lives and the lives of children. An increasing number of studies are surfacing, revealing how smartphones have significantly altered our lives, often in ways that aren’t positive. Read along with me: shortened attention spans, sleep disruption, impaired social skills, mental health issues, physical health issues, decreased academic performance, cyberbullying, addiction, decreased creativity and imagination, reduced memory and learning, decreased creativity and imagination, to mention just a ‘few’ examples. And I haven’t even mentioned the number of injuries as a result of distracted driving. In the USA, that number is not far behind the number of deaths caused by smoking.

It’s no wonder that there is a growing demand for action to address these issues. Schools banning mobile phones serve as an example of this trend. Interestingly, European Parliament Member Kim van Sparrentak is leading an initiative to prohibit the addictive design practices used by smartphone manufacturers and app developers. I highly recommend reading her comprehensive report on the adverse effects of smartphones, supported by scientific sources.[1]

The draft report suggests that new EU rules are needed to make smartphones and apps less addictive, but I wonder if that is necessary. With the current EU General Product Safety Directive we already have a legal safety net in place to ban unsafe consumer products from the EU market. And to avoid any doubt, under the upcoming GPSR, the term ‘product safety’ takes on a much broader meaning and refers to the WHO’s definition of ‘health’. The WHO defines ‘health’ as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Under the GPSR, when assessing the safety of digitally connected products likely to have an impact on children, manufacturers should ensure that the products they make available on the market meet the highest standards of safety, security and privacy by design, in the best interests of children. Software (embedded and standalone) also falls under the product definition of the GPSR. I don’t think it would be difficult for an average lawyer to demonstrate that certain app developers have intentionally made their products addictive and thus harmful. I also suspect that establishing causality between the use of these apps and health damage will not be challenging.

However, just like with cigarettes and alcohol, I am afraid the damage has already been done. Society can no longer function without smartphones. I wouldn’t be surprised if we find ourselves facing excise duties on smartphones in the near future, while being cautioned about their potential risks.

When I visited a supermarket in Germany earlier this year, my 6-year-old son noticed the rather explicit pictures with health warnings on cigarette packages and asked me: “Dad, what is THAT?” “Uhhm, yeah, that is to warn people that smoking is very harmful to your health.” “But dad, that’s REALLY stupid. If you know a product is harmful, why would you sell it???” I rest my case.

[1] DRAFT REPORT on addictive design of online services and consumer protection in the EU single market (2023/2043(INI)).

Taking safety seriously

By Rutger Oldenhuis LLM – Published in Bike Europe Magazine 5-2023

In September 2018, a terrible accident took place in the Netherlands. An electric vehicle, called a ‘Stint’, which is a small electric cart primarily used for transporting young children, was hit by a passenger train. These vehicles were commonly used in the Netherlands by childcare centres for transporting groups of children. As a result of the collision, four children lost their lives and two other individuals, a child and the adult driver of the Stint, were seriously injured.

Five years later, the Dutch Public Prosecution Service (OM) is bringing charges against two companies responsible for producing and selling the Stint, along with two company executives, for their involvement in multiple criminal offenses. This decision comes after an extensive investigation that was initiated following the accident in 2018. Based on the findings of this investigation, the OM concluded that the Stint qualified as a harmful product as defined in the Dutch Penal Code. Many studies would show that the product was unsafe on numerous points. For example, it allegedly did not meet the safety requirements as laid down in the Machinery Directive and the EMC directive. An investigation showed that the Stint had no proper brake construction, no brake switch, a faulty throttle, no start-up protection and no presence detection. The OM also reported that there were claims indicating that the Stint had undergone the CE marking procedure, despite this being untrue. The Declaration of Conformity (DoC) and manual wrongly highlighted its adherence to the safety requirements outlined in the Machinery Directive. The suspicion is that the individuals in question were well aware of the harmful effects associated with the product, yet chose to remain silent about it. Additionally, the individuals under suspicion are facing charges related to forgery. They falsely informed authorities that the Stint had undergone the appropriate CE marking procedure when applying for road admission. Furthermore, they altered their own manual by removing all references to this procedure shortly after the 2018 accident.

The Stint issue could have happened in any country and clearly shows that manufacturers must take product compliance and product safety very seriously. Of course, most accidents don’t receive the extensive news coverage that the Stint case did. However, with the introduction of the EU General Product Safety Regulation, manufacturers will be obligated to report accidents caused by their products, extending the government’s reach.

The people behind the Stint did not wish for or foresee this terrible accident. And yet that is exactly what you should do as a product manufacturer: contemplate worst case scenarios during the design and development phase and ensure that the product is designed to withstand them. Unfortunately, product compliance and product safety are all too often seen as an annoying expense. However, not taking these critical aspects seriously can come at a great cost. Besides the potential product risks for end-users, producers can be held criminally accountable if they wilfully and knowingly put a harmful product on the market.

The Stint case may also serve as a reminder that signing a DoC is much more than just a formality and should not be taken lightly. By signing a DoC, the signatory is taking legal responsibility that the product conforms to the specified requirements. This means that if the product does not actually conform, the signatory and/or the company could be held liable. For market surveillance authorities, a DoC is like low-hanging fruit. An incorrect or inaccurate DoC is a smoking gun and can easily lead to the conclusion that a company lacks effective safety processes. It underscores the importance of having product compliance and safety higher on the boardroom agenda. Compromising on product compliance and product safety budget is a dangerous balancing act. In the end, prioritising safety goes beyond merely establishing the right processes. It is fundamentally a mindset.

Hoe zit het nou met de wettelijke garantietermijn in Nederland? Mag die korter zijn dan twee jaar?

Het gebeurt regelmatig: winkels in Nederland die richting consumenten een beroep doen op een garantietermijn van een jaar. Desgevraagd wordt uitgelegd dat Nederland geen wettelijke garantietermijn heeft bepaald, maar die laat afhangen van de eigenschappen van het product. Daarbij wordt dankbaar gebruik gemaakt van informatie verstrekt door diverse overheidsinstanties. Maar klopt die informatie wel? Geldt er in de EU geen minimale wettelijke garantietermijn van twee jaar? RecallDesk heeft dit uitgezocht. De verrassende uitkomst leest u in dit artikel.

“De duur van de wettelijke garantie mag de verkoper of fabrikant niet zelf kiezen. Want dat volgt uit de wet. Veel consumenten denken dat zij volgens de wet standaard recht hebben op 2 jaar garantie. Dit komt uit Europese regels. Maar in Nederland staat geen vaste wettelijke garantietermijn in de wet. Hoelang hebt u dan wettelijke garantie? Zo lang als u mag verwachten dat uw product meegaat. In onze wet staat namelijk dat een product moet bieden wat u ervan mag verwachten. Dat is per product anders. En dat kan korter of langer zijn dan 2 jaar. Het hangt af van alle eigenschappen van uw eigen product. Gaat uw product eerder kapot dan u mocht verwachten? En hebt u het normaal gebruikt? Dan hebt u volgens de wet recht op reparatie of vervanging.”

Aldus de website van de ACM (ConsuWijzer).[1] De Kamer van Koophandel verwijst dankbaar naar de ACM.[2] De Consumentenbond noemt geen termijn en spreekt alleen over de termijn die geldt voor de omkering van bewijslast (zes maanden onder de oude Richtlijn, twaalf maanden onder de huidige Richtlijn).[3] Ook de Rijksoverheid verwijst naar de ACM.[4] Op een andere website van de Rijksoverheid wordt dan juist weer uitgelegd dat consumenten in alle lidstaten van de EU (plus Noorwegen, Liechtenstein en IJsland) recht hebben op minimaal twee jaar wettelijke garantie.[5] Hoe zit het nou?

Artikel 10(1) van Richtlijn (EU) 2019/771 bepaalt dat de verkoper jegens de consument aansprakelijk is voor elk conformiteitsgebrek dat bestaat bij de levering van de goederen en dat aan het licht komt binnen twee jaar na dat tijdstip. Het is een Europese Richtlijn die de minimumrechten vaststelt voor consumenten bij de aankoop van consumptiegoederen. Deze Richtlijn biedt lidstaten geen mogelijkheid om hiervan af te wijken in het nadeel van consumenten. Wel kunnen lidstaten langere termijnen handhaven of invoeren. Nederland heeft weliswaar (en onhandig genoeg) geen termijn opgenomen in de relevante wetgeving, maar heeft daarmee niet beoogd om minder dan twee jaar garantie toe te staan (hetgeen ook in strijd zou zijn met EU wetgeving). Dat kan onder andere worden opgemaakt uit de relevante passages van de Memorie van Toelichting bij Boek 7 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek, destijds bij de omzetting van artikel 5(1) van Richtlijn (EU) 1999/44 (de voorganger van artikel 10(1) van de huidige Richtlijn) in artikel 21 van boek 7 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek:

“Artikel 5 lid 1 bepaalt dat de verkoper krachtens artikel 3 aansprakelijk is wanneer het gebrek aan overeenstemming zich manifesteert binnen een termijn van twee jaar vanaf de aflevering van de goederen. Titel 7.1 BW kent geen vaste (verval)termijn bij het verstrijken waarvan de koper geen beroep meer kan doen op de rechtsgevolgen van non-conformiteit. Dit betekent dat ook na meer dan twee jaar kan blijken dat de zaak niet aan de overeenkomst beantwoordt, en de koper zijn in artikel 7:21 BW genoemde rechten kan uitoefenen. Een belangrijke factor daarbij is uiteraard de levensduur van de zaak. Met name bij duurzame consumptiegoederen is de levensduur daarvan veelal langer dan twee jaar. Met het systeem van titel 7.1 BW wordt meer recht gedaan aan de verscheidenheid van zaken, zodat de termijn van twee jaar uit artikel 5 lid 1 niet wordt overgenomen. In artikel 5 lid 1 wordt voorts bepaald dat indien voor de uitoefening van de in artikel 3 lid 2 vermelde rechten in de nationale wetgeving een verjaringstermijn geldt, deze niet korter mag zijn dan twee jaar vanaf de aflevering. De verjaringstermijn ter zake is in titel 7.1 BW geregeld in artikel 23 lid 2. Deze termijn is twee jaar en begint te lopen op het moment dat de consument het gebrek aan de verkoper meldt. Omdat dit moment nimmer eerder valt dan het moment van aflevering, behoeft deze bepaling geen aanpassing.”

Met andere woorden, in Nederland geldt een minimale garantietermijn van twee jaar. Voor meer duurzame producten mag een langere garantietermijn worden verwacht. De overheid doet er goed aan om alle informatie over wettelijke garantie die door overheidsinstanties wordt verspreid, hierop aan te passen.

Voor vragen over wettelijke garantietermijn, of andere vragen op het gebied van garantie (waaronder fabrieksgarantie) of consumentenrechten, kunt u (ook) terecht bij RecallDesk.

[1] Hoelang heb ik garantie en welke rechten heb ik dan? | ACM ConsuWijzer

[2] Garantie geven | Ondernemersplein (kvk.nl)

[3] Nieuwe regels garantie | Consumentenbond

[4] Welke garanties heb ik op een product? | Rijksoverheid.nl

[5] Wat zijn mijn rechten als ik een product koop in een Europees land? | Rijksoverheid.nl

Online platforms become quasi-regulators

By Rutger Oldenhuis LLM

The rapid growth of e-commerce has transformed the way we shop, allowing us to purchase a wide range of products conveniently from online marketplaces. However, this convenience also brings certain risks, particularly when it comes to product safety. Too often, we see products sold through online platforms that do not comply with relevant EU product legislation. It is not uncommon to find products subject to recalls still being available on online marketplaces. The enforcement of product safety regulations on online marketplaces has traditionally posed challenges for authorities. However, this situation is anticipated to undergo a significant transformation with the implementation of the upcoming EU General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR). An entirely new section has been included with obligations for ‘providers of online platforms’. This seems to be a real game-changer, not only for providers of online platforms but also for companies who sell products through online platforms. Under the GPSR, online platforms will be obligated to implement a comprehensive set of due diligence measures. These measures will ensure that both the platforms themselves and the traders utilising their platforms adhere strictly to relevant laws and regulations when selling products. To get the gist, here’s an overview of the upcoming requirements:


  • Online marketplaces are required to establish a single point of contact for communication with market surveillance authorities in Member States and consumers regarding product safety issues. This contact will also be registered with the Safety Gate Portal, a new web portal to inform the public and enable them to submit complaints.
  • Online marketplaces must set up robust internal processes for ensuring product safety.
  • Online marketplaces are expected to remove dangerous product content from their platforms within two working days following an order from market surveillance authorities.
  • Providers are required to monitor information about dangerous products via the Safety Gate Portal and take appropriate actions, if needed. They must also report any voluntary measures taken to the authority that made the notification.
  • Online marketplaces must process product safety notices within three working days from receipt.
  • Platforms must organise their online interface such that it enables sellers to provide comprehensive information about their products and make it easily accessible to consumers. This includes information about the manufacturer, product identification details, and safety information.
  • Online marketplaces should have mechanisms that enable traders to provide the necessary information and a self-certification declaring their compliance with the regulation.
  • Providers of online marketplaces must suspend services to traders that frequently offer non-compliant products after issuing a prior warning.
  • Platforms are expected to cooperate with market surveillance authorities, traders, and other relevant parties to eliminate risks presented by products offered online.
  • Providers must inform consumers in a timely manner about product safety recalls and publish this information on their online interfaces.
  • The regulation also imposes obligations on providers to cooperate with market surveillance authorities by sharing data about dangerous products, accidents, and product recalls.

Including a bulleted list in a blog may not win the beauty contest, but I hope it clarifies the message that the forthcoming GPSR makes online platform providers quasi-regulators when it comes to product compliance and safety. A clever move if you compare the surveillance capacity of national authorities with the financial resources of Amazon and the like. The message for traders using platforms is really: be prepared. The GPSR will enter into force on 13 December 2024. And yes, that’s a Friday…

EU product safety law going mental

By Rutger Oldenhuis LLM

In my previous blog post, I mentioned that I was in ongoing discussions with the EU Commission about the snag that I found in the new EU General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR). At the time of writing, I am still awaiting a response from the unit responsible for the automotive industry. I can understand that they might need some time to grasp the potential implications of the snag. Coincidentally, I am currently assisting an automotive client in developing a recall procedure. Naturally, I want this procedure to be future-proof, hence, to comply with the GPSR. However, this presents a dilemma. Today, automotive recall procedures typically require customers to schedule appointments with dealers for repairs. Pursuant to the GPSR, a dangerous vehicle, being non-portable, must be collected from the customer directly. It would be helpful if the EU Commission could clarify whether this new approach is strictly necessary or whether there is room for proportionality.

In addition to the far-reaching provisions on recall remedies, the GPSR contains many other provisions that go far beyond the current EU General Product Safety Directive (GPSD), which will be food for many more blogs to come. For example, the GPSR adopts the WHO’s definition of ‘health’, which states: “The World Health Organization defines ‘health’ as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. As a result, the concept of ‘product safety’ acquires a more expansive meaning and a new dimension. However, it is not an entirely new phenomenon, which can be demonstrated by the following examples. A Dutch tableware company introduced a new product line called ‘Dutch Glory’, featuring traditional Dutch icons such as pancakes, cheese, clogs, and tulips. The problem was that it also featured an illustration of a smiling Anne Frank. After facing criticism, the company removed the products from the market. Another example is a play clay manufacturer who withdrew a “phallic-shaped toy” from the market in response to parental complaints. Given the GPSR’s extensive interpretation of safety and health, we can anticipate an increase in similar recalls.

The GPSR also places a greater emphasis on risk assessment compared to the GPSD. Unless already addressed by Union harmonisation legislation, the GPSR mandates that manufacturers conduct an internal risk analysis and compile technical documentation. This means that a manufacturer must perform a risk analysis and prepare technical documentation before introducing a product to the market in almost all cases. With the adoption of the WHO’s definition of ‘health’, the risk assessment must also incorporate ‘mental health’ considerations. The GPSR, for instance, specifies that a risk assessment “[…] should take into account the health risk posed by digitally connected products, including their impact on mental health, particularly for vulnerable consumers such as children”. This expanded risk assessment approach may influence how we evaluate the risks associated with, for example, gaming, social media, and even emerging platforms like the metaverse. The bicycle industry should evaluate how the new safety principle of the GPSR applies to their specific circumstances and determine its relevance and potential impact.

In the meantime, I hope that the European Commission will soon be able give guidance on the interpretation of the new recall measures for non-portable dangerous products. If there would be room for proportionality, that would be extremely helpful for my clients’ recall procedure. And good for their health.